We Must Find Them!
Posted: 23 Jul 2012 09:49 PM PDT
"For there are many yet on the earth...who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it." -D & C 123:12
Every day missionaries around the world march forth to find.... to find "them that will receive you." (D&C 42:8) They press forward with faith and knowledge that someone is waiting for their message.
The Texas McAllen Mission has had a great July. Missionaries are finding the prepared and teaching them. Baptisms are on the rise. Here are some experiences from some of the noble missionaries it is our privilege to serve with:
This past week, I had an interesting experience. We were on exchanges and we hadn't had much success. While I was driving, I began to pray in my heart that we would be able to find the people that Heavenly Father has prepared for us in this area. I heard a voice say, "Turn left here." I followed the prompting and the inspiration continued to come. I saw a house and heard the voice again, "Here it is." We listened to the Spirit, we followed the Spirit, and we found the prepared people- a whole family of them! Our Heavenly Father does bless us!
We have been teaching a lady for a while. Her sister had been unsupportive of her desire to be baptized into our church. But a miracle happened! We left the sister a pamphlet about the Restoration and when we came back, she had read it and now she wants to meet with us! She said what she read in the pamphlet was what she has been waiting her whole life to hear. It was so cool! The spirit was so strong. My companion was prompted by the Spirit to invite her to prepare for baptism. She accepted and has a date. It was an incredible experience!
We had an awesome experience. Yes- it truly was awesome! We were riding our bikes down the street. I stopped so that I could show my companion a text message we had received in Spanish. A few seconds later, I looked up and I saw a man pushing his kids in this little car. He came all the way down his driveway toward us. I asked him how he was doing. I believed that we had met somewhere before. So I invited him to come to church. He said "Sure!" He didn't know where it was, so he told me that he wanted to follow us on our bikes. I thought he was going to get in his car. No- he and his two girls climbed on one bike and his son on another and they rode their bikes behind us to the church. It was rather far, but what a cool sight to see! We had a great lesson right there at the church and, of course, he has a baptismal date!
Missionary work is the greatest work on the earth. It is Heavenly Father's work and His glory- to bring to pass the immortality and the eternal life of man! That's what we do in the Texas McAllen Mission!

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