Although people ask me daily if Ethan & Logan are twins
they seem to be surprised when I tell them they are NOT.
But I can see how it could be a bit confusing. They're the
same size for the most part and only 13 months apart.
- - -
So the boys decided this year to do a TWIN Birthday
Party and forgo their individual parties for one together.
And the more I thought of it the more I wondered why I
had never thought of that myself. 1 Birthday Party for 2
boys. They have all of the same friends, like all of the
same things, less for me to do. I'm L-O-V-E-ing this idea!
It's BRILLIANT! Consider it Done!
- - -
Ethan & Logan decided on a Pool Party.
My kids LOVE swimming!
They are all such water babies - always have been.

he can see anything - but he insists that he CAN!
Daddy & Kylee hangin' out in the Wave Pool
Jolee is swimming away from sharks

shallow end of the wave pool again,
and again, and again. . . .
she didn't want to do anything else. She was having sooo
much FUN! Kylee has always been our little mermaid.
Where does the time go. . .
And next month our little Logan will be 5!
Time really has flown by quickly.
Time really has flown by quickly.
Oh, wait that's just Loggie Boggie
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