My Beloved

My Beloved
Davey Crockett

Blooms and Bugs

Blooms and Bugs
Kylee Bug

Yogi Bear

Yogi Bear
Logie Bogie

our little SUPERman

our little SUPERman

my sweet pea

my sweet pea
Jolee girl

Emm & M

Emm & M
Emma Jane

pretty pink podsnack

Friday, June 19, 2009

there's a "FLOATY" in the pool

here is our little Kylee in her PINK baby GAP swimming suit
"Wake up baby girl it's swimmin' time!"
Peter just came down the new orange slide
they have open @ H2Oasis.
Ethan wasn't very happy that Daddy left him
to go down the slide.
Watch out Jolee! JAWS is on the loose!
And he is comin' to getcha'!
Here's my Jolee Doodle on a Noodle...
all you need now is a Poodle!
Kylee LOVES faces! She LOVES to touch them!
She especially gets excited when she see's her Momma!
Ethan My MAN - My Main MAN!
It's Logie Bogie!
Whose HANDSOME kid is that?... Mine*
the kids are walking on there hands
around and around the pirate ship they go
Logan loves that he can play with Kylee
all by himself in the pool
-only with Mommy & Daddy close by of course-
Aaaagh! There is a "FLOATY" in the pool!
Oh... it's alright... it's only Jolee!
Logan has a hard time keeping his eyes open for pictures.
-better luck next time-
Kylee Kissies* Maugh!
There is that tounge - that OSBORN tounge!
-Koda, Tyler, & Jolee-
-Koda, Tyler, & Ethan
the Lone Noodler
-Jolee, Ethan, & Koda-
-Koda, Ethan, & Jolee-
Nothing but fun, fun, fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. It was fun looking at your pics, you have a beautiful family :) Terri
