Another school year is upon us...

Jolee is in Mrs. Lances' 2
nd grade class

She is soooo excited that we got the teacher
that we requested!

Here is Jolee at her cubby and her coat hook.

Here she is putting on her name tag at her assigned seat and getting ready to start her activity booklet.

Jolee has found her fish and is putting it on the cold lunch section.... Jolee loves cold lunch!

I thought her lunch chart was sooo cute!

This is their discipline chart it the stay on the green or advance to the silver or gold spots they win prizes and receive stickers for their good behavior.

Here is anther fun chart in Jolee's room.
I am happy to report that Jolee is LOVING 2nd grade and comes home excited about school everyday! We love her teacher Mrs. Lance. Jolee is doing wonderful and excelling in school.