Peter and Kylee with her cookie at the Company Christmas Party Mommy and Kylee with her juice box. She LOVES straws!!! Anything with a straw she will drink it all up.
"A good marriage does not require a perfect man or a perfect woman. It only requires a man and a woman committed to strive together toward perfection" - Dallin H. Oaks
Our Eternal Family
November 7th, 2009
King David
Davey Baby
Kylee cupcake*
Kylee Bug-A-Boo
Peter Rabbit
Jolee bean*
Pretty in Pink
Ethan cake
Eagle Eye Ethan
Our Wedding Anniversary
I love you the most!
“Choose a companion carefully and prayerfully; and when you are married, be fiercely loyal one to another. Choose your love; love your choice.” —President Thomas S. Monson
Logan pie
Logie Bogie Yogi Bear
Emm & M
Raising Your Children
"The most important
work you will ever do
will be within the walls
of your own home."
~Harold B. Lee
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
A Birthmother
puts the needs of her baby above the wants of her heart.
Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle little voices call him Daddy! ~ Author Unknown
A father carries pictures where his money used to be. ~Author Unknown
"How thankful I am, how thankful we all must be, for
the women in our lives. God bless them. May His great love distill upon them and crown them with luster and beauty, grace and faith."
~Gordon B. Hinckley~
the Breshears Family
3 generations
Words of Wisdom
"If we ever forget that we're one nation under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under." -Ronald Reagan-
"Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it." -Ronald Reagan-
Perfect Love
painted by Del Parson
Story Book Gardens
Osborn Family with Tiger Lily
Mothers & Daughters
A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.
~Author Unknown
Mothers and daughters are closest, when daughters become mothers. ~Author Unknown
Walk With Me
painted by Greg Olsen
"Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."
Charles Dickens
Cream Fried Eggs
[image: cream fried egg on toast with chives]
If you’ve never tried cooking your eggs in cream, you’re in for a treat.
This is a method of cooking eggs in a...
It's been 7 years!! Tomorrow is the day, Henry's Transplant Birthday! Last
night we couldn't remember which day it was exactly (I consider that a good
Easter Outfits and Mother's Day
I know this is in the wrong post but I just found it on the is
our cute little's on Easter Sunday!
Mother's Day!!
Aubrie had cut out little h...
Glitter Heart banner Tutorial
My Glitter Heart Banner.....
I traced some hearts out of cardboard (I may have dumpster dived for it)
I'm all about free....
So I cut them and poked holes...
36 hours and counting...
Since our newest little Mr. hasn't made his appearance thus far, we're
officially starting the eviction process in approximately 36 hours. I
really, really...
An answer to prayers!
Just 4 days ago, Jason and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary while
we were in Rochester. That was also the day that we were to meet with the
Lily's First Giggles
Anyone who views my never ending picture postings of the babies on Facebook
may start to think that Lily get's neglected. However, every time I go to
Yikes! Its been forever!
Alright, i have some serious time to catch up on! My last post seems to be
over a year ago! hmmmmmm....thats sad! Alright heres a QUICK recap of the
last y...
WHS Gun Show
Thanks to all who visited our table at the WHS Annual Gun Show. We hope
that you enjoyed watching the video of our experiences at Front Sight. We
will be h...
34 Weeks
I had a Dr.'s appointment on Monday, the 12th. All is going very well. She
was moving like crazy and her heartbeat was 155. She is actually measuring
a wee...
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