Ethan & Logan
Last night I awoke from the dead of my sleep to the cries of little chicks peep, peep, peeping. I soon discovered that my two mischievous little rascals had decided to smuggle the baby chicks up to their room in a blanket so as not to be detected as they snuck by Mommy & Daddy's room to get to theirs. (Daddy has been working the graveyard shift for the last four months and isn't home at night sleeping when everyone else is sleeping.) They thought the chicks would have so much more fun playing toys in their room with them rather than sleeping peacefully. When I entered their bedroom I found the chicks stashed among their things. Blueberry was the main attraction at the Little People Zoo! Green Marshmallow was kickin' it with Batman & Robin in the Bat Cave! Orange Juice was struttin' his stuff in the play kitchen sink! Pinkie Pie & Sunny were trying to rustle up some grub diggin' through the carpet running around the bedroom floor among their Wall-E and Lighting McQueen toys! Although I could see it - I was still in disbelief. Frusterated and tired, I yelled, "What is going on HERE!" I startled them pretty good. "Nothing." was the immediate "Uh-oh, we're in trouble" response. I scolded them and told them that it was unacceptable to bring the chicken's up to their room to poop all over the place. As I scanned the room for any chickie poops about the floor. I was pleasently surprised to not find anything. I quickly gathered all of the baby chicks up and took them down stairs to put them back in their rubber tote to sleep. When I soon discovered that upon releasing all of the chicken's and rounding them up to take upstairs to play toys the chick's had been startled and pooped all over the floor! It was like a mine field downstairs! I was finding sha-poopie EVERYWHERE!!! Needless to say I was not very happy and decided to call Peter at work to tell him the whole horrible ordeal so that he could sympathize, help me calm down, and tell me it would all be fine in the morning. But when I started to tell him what had happened I couldn't even finish because he began to laugh. And he laughed harder, and HARDER, and HARDER! I was so annoyed and began to grow more angry the more he laughed! I wasn't ready to laugh about it yet. And although I STILL don't find it in the least BIT funny - one day - (not anytime soon) I know I will.