The Rainforest Cafe Seattle, WA
Grampy, Jolee, Gramma, Ethan, Mommy, Daddy, Logan
(Grammy is taking the picture)
April 12, 2008
Ethan loves to pretend he Prince Phillip all the time... and what does every prince need...a SWORD !
South Center Mall
the Tulip Festival @ RoozenGaarde Skagit, WA
RoozenGaarde was so damp and wet that day. We were all really cold. It is funny to think that life long Alaskan's think that Washington in the drizzling springtime is FREEZING!
Gramma, Peter, Ethan, Jolee, Sara, Logan, Grammy
(Grampy is taking the picture) April 13, 2008
Ethan is thinking about taking a nap.
David and Jane sitting among the daffodils.
Logan Luvie and his favorite pale yellow blankie and bunny found some flowers in is favorite color... YELLOW!